Luceor, Pioneer and leader in next-generation WiMESH and HyMESH Technologies based on patented military concepts, provides today’s unmatched broadband mobile and secured wireless private network solutions, result of more than 15 years of R&D carried out by a team of highly qualified engineers.
With successful deployments of over 8000 routers and for over 500 customers, in the military, mining, port, rail, oil and gas, petrochemical, municipal, public safety, agriculture and automation industries warehouses and factories, our systems make it possible to set up resilient networks with uninterrupted connectivity, all over unlimited coverage.
Luceor is headquartered in Paris with subsidiaries in Africa, Middle East and America.
Our company is seeking to hire a skilled test and validation engineer to help with the development of our current products.
Uninterrupted connectivity, Adapted for your needs !
3 rue Michael Faraday,
78180 Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France